Focus Motor and Firecapture- Sharcap

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Focus Motor and Firecapture- Sharcap

Post by RICHARD » Wed Jun 15, 2016 7:37 am

I use your focuser FCUSB with the latest ASCOM drivers. The command with 'FocusPal' works very well. But when I try to order it with 'Firecapture' (v. 2. 4 and 2. 5) the focuser is not recognized and does not support the proposed drivers (FCUSB driver and Combined). Same with Sharcap (v. 2. 5 or 2. 8) that does not work. As against this works with Sharcap v1. 5 using the driver 'FCUSB Combined Focuser Driver'. I use Windows 8. 1.
Thank you to see how it could work with Firecapture.

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