Nikon D80 connection Issue

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Nikon D80 connection Issue

Post by higbyrichard » Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:57 pm


Recently purchased your DSUSB and cable for connection to the Nikon D80 and Images Plus Camera Software.

Nothing works. The Vista laptop sees the camera and can transfer images but IP will not recognise the camera or connect to it.

Mike Unsold seems to indicate that all Nikon Cameras require an IR cable to operate correctly and in Vista compatible mode what ever that means. The cable you have supplied is just a USB / Nikon connection.
This post is just trying to pinpoint where my issue is - Shoestring or IP, me or all three. This stuff should really be easy. Your advice would be appreciated.

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Re: Nikon D80 connection Issue

Post by dpanderson » Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:30 am

Hello, Richard.

There are two ways to provide remote shutter control on the Nikon D80, through the wired remote input or using an IR remote connection. Mike has decided to only support the IR remote connection with Images Plus. Thus I think you have two ways to address the issue: 1) keep the DSUSB and cable that you have and use a different shutter control program for image capture (you can still use Images Plus for image processing), or 2) return your DSUSB and cable in exchange for our DSUSB-IR1. If you wish to use option 2, please send an email to me at and we'll make arrangements.

You are correct, this stuff should be easy. However, there are so many variations of cameras, telescope mounts, etc that the lack of standardization in the industry can make it difficult.

Doug Anderson
Shoestring Astronomy

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Re: Nikon D80 connection Issue

Post by higbyrichard » Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:07 pm

Hello Doug,

Greetings from Tasmania. Many thanks for you quick response. I will follow your second suggestion and swap the cable. Also I will be upgrading to a new laptop with Windows 7. Just sick and tired of the issues with Vista. They seem never ending.

As I am on Holiday in Tasmania I will only be able to ship the cable back to you in about 10 days on the return to Sydney. However, more than happy to start the ball rolling and pay for the extra expense now. Please advise on your preferred procedure.

Looking back I just wish I had all this knowledge at the beginning. Aah well.



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Re: Nikon D80 connection Issue

Post by dpanderson » Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:06 pm

We are also busy with our daughter's wedding for the next two weeks. Please send me a reminder when you return and we'll get things settled.

Happy New Year,
Doug Anderson
Shoestring Astronomy

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