Canon 30D/DSUSB/JJC MA-A Remote Switch

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Canon 30D/DSUSB/JJC MA-A Remote Switch

Post by stargrabber2000 » Thu Sep 20, 2007 9:56 pm

I purchased a remote switch through from Satechi to use with a DSUSB. The remote switch is acutally manufactured by a Chinese company JJC and is part number MA-A 5M. 5M is for the 5 meter version.

This switch has a flaw that can confuse you and keep the DSUSB from working with your EOS camera, in my case a 30D. Because of the flaw the connector on the side of the switch (2.5mm socket) has the GND and SHUTTER swapped. This results in the wrong polarity to work with the DSUSB using a straight through patch cord.

So, if you have a 30D or other Canon EOS camera, and it opens the shutter upon connecting up your DSUSB and stays open regardless of software setting open or closed....check the polarity of your connection to your remote switch and or cables.

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