Vixen DD-1 AutoGuider Relay Cable

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Vixen DD-1 AutoGuider Relay Cable

Post by mho » Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:31 am

Hello Everyone,

I have developed a relay cable for the Vixen DD-1 hand controller that will allow ST-4 compatible cameras such as the Orion StarShoot AutoGuider to be connected to a modified Vixen DD-1. To make the circuit boards I had to order a minimum number so I had 8 left over after the one I built. I created a web page describing the circuit and DD-1 modification procedure at and can provide the circuit board or complete cable to people who may want one. I have not figured out what to charge so give me an idea on what you think it would be worth. Unlike other relay solutions I have looked the one I have requires no external power, it is powered from the Vixen DD-1.

William E. Rison

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