Images plus camera can not open DSUSB

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Images plus camera can not open DSUSB

Post by jan » Wed Mar 18, 2009 4:00 am

I always did use Images plus camera software -2007 version- and the DSUSB to a Canon 30 D with success.
Last week I install the update of Images plus camera, yesterday -first time of use- Images Plus Camera was unable to open the DSUSB, at any time, but I can control the camera with the DSUSB checker!
I checked everything of Images plus camera including installing the older camera software back (and erase the previous), taking everything from the dome to inside of my home, still images plus Camera could open DSUSB.
I checked also the shoestring DLL program (-you made special for me a new verion of the DLL program, with success!-) for acces.
I also asked Mike Unsold on his Yahoo group, for help, so far without success.
I have A desktop with XP pro installed.
Can you help me? because I'm out of ideas
G. van der Veen The Netherlands

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Re: Images plus camera can not open DSUSB

Post by dpanderson » Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:42 am

Since the DSUSBCheck software works, it seems like there are no issues with the DSUSB or the link between your PC and the DSUSB. Thus, it seems that the problem lies in the new version of Images Plus. Unfortunately, I have no way to troubleshoot this. Mike Unsold is your best resource for this problem.

Doug Anderson
Shoestring Astronomy

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