Help with a JMI MotoTrak V

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Help with a JMI MotoTrak V

Post by mhamburg » Mon May 26, 2008 9:36 pm

I recently bought a MotoTrak V on Astromart and all seemed well. The power LED came on when it was plugged in. When I hooked it up to my telescope (an old Meade DS 16) however, the MotoTrak barely turned the Dec motor and then died. All subsequent attempts to power it up have failed. I realize I was unsure of the amperage needed so I initially used a 12v 1 amp transformer (too weak for the RA motor, probably). Not being set up to run any diagnostics on the unit, I am looking for advice and real help. This unit was not cheap! I would like to know :
-what did I do wrong?
-is the unit fixable or permanently fried?
-what amperage do I need to run the RA motor of a DS 16?
-does anybody know anything about the MotoTrak after all these years?

Doug, I appreciate any and all replies. You have helped me in the past.

Best wishes and in need of real help,

Michael Hamburg

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Re: Help with a JMI MotoTrak V

Post by dpanderson » Wed May 28, 2008 6:02 pm

I don't know much about these units, and do not have access to one.

Have you tried contacting JMI?
Doug Anderson
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Re: Help with a JMI MotoTrak V

Post by mhamburg » Wed May 28, 2008 6:28 pm

Thanks for the reply, Doug. Yes ,JMI told me basically that they no longer deal with these units. I just need to determine if the unit is damaged but I am unable to do this.

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Re: Help with a JMI MotoTrak V

Post by jgltaxlaw » Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:07 pm

Did Mhamburg ever solve his relay problem? I have the same problem and its difficult to find the relay. Mead says it no longer makes the #520 relay.

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