GPUSB Linux test application

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GPUSB Linux test application

Post by yump67 » Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:28 am

after an email exhange with Dough, just to be double sure I was not infringing any rule, I can release this little test application for nudging the mount under Linux using GPUSB.
The GUI application requires lesstif2 (free version of Motif, please find in repos) and has been tested on Mint9 (and correspondent Ubuntu LTS) and newer Ubuntu 11.10.
I think it'll work on a wide variety of distro, but alas that's what I tested. The application is functionally equivalent to the windows test program we all know.

Program is very simple and code is included. Once the gui part is cut out from code what remains is a handful function for low level access to the device. These can easily be part of other software.

Hope this can be of help.

GPUSB Linux test application
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