GPUSB error message to connect via ascom on windows 10 64 bits. I need a driver dll to be recognized in Cartes du Ciel

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Pedro martins
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GPUSB error message to connect via ascom on windows 10 64 bits. I need a driver dll to be recognized in Cartes du Ciel

Post by Pedro martins » Mon Jun 21, 2021 3:01 am

Error message because dont recognise 32 bits dll on 64bits program Cartes du Ciel. Dont move telescope. The error message is this:
Dont recognize 32 bits dtive dll but it is registed as 32 bits dll correctly.
Anybody can help please

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Re: GPUSB error message to connect via ascom on windows 10 64 bits. I need a driver dll to be recognized in Cartes du Ci

Post by dpanderson » Tue Jun 22, 2021 12:20 pm

The GPUSB does not have a 64 bit driver.

The GPUSB is only intended to creates small movements of the telescope mount that are used when autoguiding during a long exposure photograph. It will not create the large sweeping movements that you would use with an application like Cartes du Ciel to move the telescope from one object to the next.
Doug Anderson
Shoestring Astronomy

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