Fried my mount

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Fried my mount

Post by centurion50 » Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:46 am

Been happily autoguiding with my Celestron CG-5 for years (GPUSB and PHD). Then my cable clip broke and... you guessed it. I flipped the polarity and UGH. Can't believe I did that. I believe my CG-5 autoguiding port circuitry is fried. Using the GPUSB 4 direction tester only moves one direction. Or else, sending a mount command sends it drifting (or maybe a steady movement signal). I figured I fried my GPUSB also so I bought a new one. Went ahead and tested again with same results. It ain't easy being stupid. Anyone has done the same thing? I believe it is time to shop for a new mount but I was wondering if anyone had any advice out there. Thanks in advance TimH in AZ

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